


Advanced Simulation in Medical Manufacturing: How to De-risk and Optimize Your Processes

DeviceTalks Webinar

Advanced Simulation in Medical Manufacturing: How to De-risk and Optimize Your Processes

Join us Tuesday, July 16 at 4:00 PM EDT and discover how simulation is offering game-changing improvements to the manufacture of medical products.

In this webinar, you will learn how to leverage simulation to create a digital twin of a production line, how simulation and digital twin help de-risk and maintain production continuity, and more.

webinar: 循环经济

Circular economy webinar

Join us on Thursday, July 25 to dive into the latest trends and regulations shaping the future of circular economy and how brands can navigate this dynamic landscape.



第 28 届国际汽车电子大会


伟创力汽车业务集团总裁 Mike Thoeny 将于中欧夏令时 6 月 18 日 17:30 在他的演讲“从颠覆到与众不同:为下一代移动出行和供应链弹性重塑汽车价值链”中讨论汽车制造商及其供应商网络的弹性供应链战略。

蓝色图片,带有“重新思考”和“20 周年”字样


Becky Sidelinger, President of Flex reliability solutions joined Penelope Brown, Senior Content Director at the Manufacturing Leadership Council, to discuss Industry Megatrends for Effective Growth Strategies on Wednesday 2024 年 6 月 5 日 .

在 2024 年 5 月 22-24 日医疗技术论坛维也纳小组讨论会上与伟创力会面:构建安全、弹性的数字医疗生态系统:现实还是乌托邦?May 24 | 10:50 - 11:40 am Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center, Lehar 3 & 4

2024 年医疗技术论坛

On May 23 & 24 industry leaders, MedTech innovators, and investors discussed the future of the medical technology sector. The Flex-sponsored panel discussion focused on connected devices as part of the digital ecosystem that facilitates continuous data exchange between patients and healthcare providers. The panel explored the challenge of managing the complexity of this ecosystem, patient readiness for technology adoption, and cybersecurity implications.

2024 MIT MIMO Symposium

2024 MIT MIMO Symposium

4 月 30 日,制造与服务总裁 Paul Baldassari 将在 2024 MIT MIMO Symposium 担任主讲嘉宾,分享他对 AI 在制造业中的变革力量的见解洞察,以及伟创力如何借助 AI 提升质量、效率和生产力,创造客户价值,敬请关注。

jennifer Samproni 于 2 月 6 日至 8 日在美国西部医疗器械设计及制造展览会 (MD&M West) 2359 号展位

美国西部医疗器械设计及制造展览会 (MD&M West)

了解我们如何通过医疗器械推进卓越设计和制造。2024 年 2 月 7 日,伟创力健康解决方案首席技术官 Jennifer Samproni 发表了关于通过人机界面 (HMI) 改变患者护理未来的主题演讲。

