Learn hands-on skills such as connecting plugs, laying cables, wiring control cabinets, and drawing circuit diagrams.
Learn how to repair technical equipment using measuring devices. Implement your own ideas and develop your own electrical circuit.
Learn how manual processes can be automated with systems. Your training will cover the interaction of pneumatic, mechanical, and electrical components to build and program your own robot.
Design and manufacture workpieces, maintain machinery, and create fixtures for production.
Gain comprehensive insight into all aspects of the company and handle administrative management, specializing in managing inventory levels, and purchasing materials of the right quality, at the right cost, and at the right time.
I chose the apprenticeship to get know-how in the industry and to not only gain theoretical, but also practical experience. The apprenticeship combined with the A-levels (Matura) is an incredible opportunity and Flex supports all our plans and ideas to make an outstanding education possible and secure us the best chances for our future (while working at Flex).
— Giulia Wiedner
After graduating from high school, I decided to do an apprenticeship to sharpen my technical skills and put my theoretical knowledge into practice. Flex — as a renowned training company with great career opportunities and additional offers — turned out to be the best choice.
— Michael Hofstätter
Flex has always been a very special company for me. I really enjoy working here because the working atmosphere is very good.
Furthermore, it is also an honor for me to be the first apprentice to learn the job of an operational logistics employee at Flex.
— Nadine Rainer
Ensure that all work devices in the company — such as PCs, cell phones, and tablets — work perfectly and work together correctly. If colleagues need support on the computer, as an IT technician, you are there to help them.
Learn how to program your very own applications, and learn to program your own robot.
Starting an apprenticeship at Flex after graduating from high school was a great decision, as Flex offers first-class training and you gain an insight into many processes within the company. This allows me to gain practical experience and develop professionally. Flex offers me the opportunity to put my skills to the test every day.
— Florian Napetschnig
I am completing an apprenticeship because this type of education allows you to apply the knowledge you have gained directly in a real working environment. Flex has always been my employer of choice because the company enjoys an excellent reputation. The special thing about Flex is the family-like atmosphere.
— Felix Perkonig