Flex is proud to announce the formation of the BrightInsight Clinical Board. These leading clinicians support Flex Digital Health in developing and improving its digital health solutions, which emphasize digital therapeutics that integrate into and improve clinical workflow with the goal of making a real-world impact on patient outcomes.

Who we are
The Board is comprised of leading physicians who possess not only expertise and thought leadership in their therapeutic areas, but also a deep understanding of the digital health space. Our founding board members are:
Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla, M.D. MSEd FACP — Vice Chairman of the Department of Medical Oncology at Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Chief of Medical Oncology and Medical Director of Research at CTCA – Philadelphia, and Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer at Massive Bio
Steven Edelman, M.D. — Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism at the University of California at San Diego and the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System of San Diego, Director of the Diabetes Care Clinic, VA Medical Center, and Founder and Director of Taking Control of Your Diabetes 501c3
Tania Elliott, M.D., FAAAAI, FACAAI — Associate Attending, NYU Langone Health, and National Spokesperson, American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Steven Steinhubl, M.D. — Associate Professor of Genomic Medicine at Scripps Research, a clinical Cardiologist, and Director of Digital Medicine at the Scripps Research Translational Institute
What we do
The BrightInsight Clinical Board will advise Flex — from concept to commercialization — to ensure advancements in three core areas: clinical workflow integration, designing solutions that engage patients in self-care, and facilitating the capture of clinically relevant data and analytics.
To be useful, digital health solutions must fit into the clinician workflow, including integration and interoperability with existing IT health systems, such as Electronic Medical Records.
The vast majority of both clinicians and IT want to see a strong integration of workflow and communications capabilities within a unified application. However, for the most part, that hasn’t happened, primarily because of product limitations.
— The State of Clinical Communication & Workflow,
report produced by HIMSS Media in partnership with HIMSS Analytics and PatientSafe Solutions
We at Flex Digital Health seek to bridge this gap.
“As we continue to develop leading-edge digital health solutions, it’s paramount that we keep clinical workflow and the clinician’s point-of-view top of mind,” said Kal Patel, MD and SVP of Digital Health at Flex. “Although we are seeing a proliferation of effective digital health solutions coming to market, they almost universally lack integration into the healthcare professional’s clinical workflow. Without this integration, these solutions will not be able to achieve scale and deliver upon their promise to make a clinical and economic impact at the population level. We are honored to be working with leading clinicians to help us tackle these challenges.”
Our clinicians’ experience with patient care will also aid us in designing optimal solutions for our customers to engage patients in their own monitoring and treatment. The Board will assist Flex Digital Health in developing and enhancing patient apps, combination products, smart algorithms, and other digital health solutions for our customers that are compelling for patients and provide data that are easily understood.
We’re also aware that more is not always better: digital health solutions generate mountains of data that are not useful to or desired by physicians. Our Board will help us determine what data and analytics are clinically relevant. BrightInsight will streamline the data aggregation process so that healthcare providers can leverage our customer’s solutions to efficiently access the information that’s needed to provide the best care.
How it works
We engage with our advisors to fulfill our mission of making a real-world impact on patient outcomes. We’ve taken a fresh approach on how our Board operates to have regular discussions that truly impact and improve Flex Digital Health’s solutions. Our processes optimize our advisors’ time and ensure their involvement in a very targeted and thoughtful manner.
Throughout the year, we work with the Board members to support iterative product development and improvement. Advisors are consulted on projects that fall squarely in their therapeutic area of expertise and where they can provide the most meaningful insight. By serving on our Board, our advisors have a unique opportunity to gain exposure and access to leading technologies and to help improve cutting-edge digital health solutions, which have an enormous impact on patients and the provider community.
As with everything we do at Flex, we took an innovative approach to creating our BrightInsight Clinical Board. From recruiting top thought leaders to refining our focus areas to rethinking the advisor input process, the BrightInsight Clinical Board is positioned to effect real change for healthcare providers like you. Flex Digital Health goes beyond consumer-grade digital health by offering medical-grade digital health solutions that can enable improved clinical workflow, healthcare stakeholder economics, and patient outcomes. The BrightInsight Clinical Board leverages the perspectives of leading doctors to develop better products, processes, and results for providers and patients in the real world.